
(Created on 29th May 2022)

Vote #765

The following question was presented:

Continuing the theme or stream, I've built up quite a nice setup with some overlays and transitions. It's almost like I think someone's going to see this, ha ha. Anyway, as is customary, I've create a ”be right back“ page that is used when you need to step away for a moment or two. I've customized my message so it gives the viewer more information than simple the fact that I'll be right back. How do you think I've ended the message be right back ...?


Taking a dump was the clear winner with 100% of the votes selected from the following:

  • Taking a quick break (0%)
  • Having a snack (0%)
  • Getting a drink (0%)
  • Stretching my legs (0%)
  • Mentally preparing (0%)
  • Taking a dump (100%)

Graphic of Results:



Am I really that transparent? Yes, my be right back message did say be right back, taking a dump. William pointed out that someone would probably see this and have no sense of humor and wonder why I was letting the world know I was taking a shit. I have changed it slightly. It now has a rotating message that says be right back, making a tea, then grabbing a snack, then taking a dump.
