
(Created on 1st January 2023)

Vote #795

The following question was presented:

Happy new year everyone!! I hope you all had a fantastic time over the holidays and are facing the new year fresh and revitalized. I would say I hope you’re looking forward to work being fresh and revitalized, but since you’ve been off indulging yourself, AIs have taken your job and you’re no longer needed. Will 2023 see the rise of the machines?


Yes was the clear winner with 67% of the votes selected from the following:

  • Yes (67%)
  • No (33%)

Graphic of Results:



Yeah, I spent a lot of time over the holidays looking at AI with the release of ChatGPT and the existing art AI like MidJourney and Stable Diffusion. I'm absolutely fascinated by what's been created and where it will go. Specifically the disruption it's going to have on everything. I've got to think we'll start seeing companies adopt AI during 2023. I don't think we'll start to see people being replaced immediately, but it's not going to be long before AI is doing a lot of jobs that people are currently doing.
