
(Created on 2nd March 2009)

Vote #84

The following question was presented:

As the road trip draws to a close, Mr O asked the only question I can think of asking - should we do another road trip?


Yes was the clear winner with 88% of the votes selected from the following:

  • Yes (88%)
  • No (13%)

Graphic of Results:


Pre-Result Discussion

Mr O
4th March 2009
Are people just voting yes in the hope of further blogging? If that's the case, vote no folks, we've used up all of our best material.


Yah boo to the neigh sayer! The eyes have it.

Looks like a pretty good turn out to the voting booths this week and a very positive response in favor of another road trip. My guess is that it probably won't be until next year and we need to think carefully about where it will be. We obviously need to tie it in with some sporting event or other. My initial thought was another racing trip, but I suppose there's always South Africa next year that might have a certain appeal.

I'm pretty sure something will happen. You just need a little patience whilst we decide what it will be.
