
(Created on 11th February 2024)

Vote #852

The following question was presented:

I don’t actually know the answer to this question, so it’s purely one of those for you to use judgement on. If you were astute, which none of you were, you would have noticed the weekly vote didn’t go out last week. In order to fix it, I had to reset the home network and reconnect the server, but I’m not 100% what caused it. The Wi-Fi router is dodgy and that could have caused it. I also updated Linux the day before. Also, the day before, the power was fluctuating because of the storms. Finally, I saw William plugging his network cable back into the router the day after because he has to unplug it the night before so the cleaner doesn’t bundle it up. What do you think caused last week’s email not to go out?


William was the clear winner with 75% of the votes selected from the following:

  • Dodgy router (0%)
  • Linux update (25%)
  • Power fluctuation (0%)
  • William (75%)

Graphic of Results:



Poor William, gets the blame for everything. I honestly think it was the Linux update. It's actually done a few recently that's messed things up a bit, but hey, let's blame William. Why not?
