
(Created on 26th April 2009)

Vote #92

The following question was presented:

Desperately searching round for a vote question, it dawned on me that it would be great if I could travel back in time, then I'd have longer to think about what question to ask. And there it is for this week, do you believe in time travel?


Hold on - I'll just go and ask my future self was the clear winner with 60% of the votes selected from the following:

  • Yes (0%)
  • No (0%)
  • Yes - that's how we got some inventions (40%)
  • No - otherwise we'd know about it (0%)
  • Hold on - I'll just go and ask my future self (60%)

Graphic of Results:



Interesting, there seems to be some kind of consensus around the possibility of time travel, whether it be due to certain inventions or the desire to have a conversation with one's future self. Starting with the former, there certainly are a large number of inventions that seem to be major breakthroughs and it's interesting to think about how the inventor came up with the idea. I suppose time travel could be one explanation for this. Aliens is also another safe bet, but having been to Roswell, I'm rather loosing faith in the possibility of aliens. Last, I guess we could just put it down to the fact that there have been some really smart people throughout the ages - which, in all probability, is the most reasonable answer.

Next to the ability to talk to one's future self. I have to say, that's kind of worrying really - they lock you away for talking to imaginary people you know. And I have to point out that it's really unlikely that time travel would be shared with anyone who reads this website. My guess is that if time travel existed, it would be entrusted to a select few people rather than being available to the masses. I don't think you or I would be at the front of the queue.

One thing I do know is that I find myself on Sunday night again with the prospect of another week of work. Time travel would be rather handy right now as I could just keep looping through the weekend. On the other hand, it's been raining all weekend so I might want to pick a different point in time.
