
(Created on 24th May 2009)

Vote #96

The following question was presented:

This week's question is going back to that vacation theme. We've pretty much decided that we're going to Costa Rica for our holidays. Initially we were going to go in September, but found out that the rainy season runs from May through mid November. It seems like our best options are to go over Thanksgiving at the end of November or over Christmas in December. But what do you think - when should we go on holiday?


November and December tied with 50% of the votes each from the following selection:

  • September (0%)
  • November (50%)
  • December (50%)
  • Don't Go (0%)

Graphic of Results:



Consistent approval that we should at least go on vacation. Seems like it's 50/50 between November and December. I think this is a difficult one to call as you're going to need to stay in touch. My guess at this point is November, but things could change between now and then.
