
I think someone is trying to tell me something

(Posted 13:12:54 on 8th October 2007 by Mr O)
Last week I went to visit a client's site (nothing special in that). However as part of the visit I got to go into the secure area where money is kept. As part of the various security measures they have these plastic tube things. It's like a big clear plastic tube, where one half slides round, you step into it, it closes back around you, you wait a couple of seconds and then the other side slides back and you step out the other side.

It all seemed pretty straightforward as I watched my colleagues go through until it came to my turn. The door opened and I stepped in, and then the door closed behind me. There I was enclosed in this plastic tube when an automated voice said "one at a time please". It turns out that there were pressure sensors on the floor and it had triggered an alert thinking that my weight was that of two people combined. So now I'm stuck in this tube thinking how I could get out. After about thirty seconds the other door opened and I was safe again. The security guard trigger some kind of over-ride.

It turns out they get at least one fat bastard a week who encounters the same situation so didn't feel quite so bad. At least the guys back in the office got a laugh out of it when I told them the next day.
1 comment
12th October 2007
Now this is funny. Over the years I’ve been through many of these contraptions as they are used to provide secure entry to data centers. Well, that’s what they tell the auditors as they make you go through one at a time until you walk round the back to find most of the back wall is open as that’s the loading dock. Perhaps you should get them to lift you in with a fork lift round the back.


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