
Blogs about what's going on with this site. Provides information about changes, events, competitions and the like.

(This page shows the last 10 entries. To see all Website Blogs go to Website Blog Archives)

2025 F1 Race Game is here

(Posted 14:30:19 on 15th February 2025 by Rag)
A new Formula 1 season is upon us and the race game is setup for all to play. There are quite a few changes this year with a lot of new drivers entering the paddock? Let's see how good you are at predicting the top ten each race. The game is really simple, you need to pick 10 drivers that you think will finish in the top 10 positions of each race. In order to play, you must be registered with EastBayRag. You then need to logon (when you try to access the page or any other page that requires logon, you will be taken to the logon screen).

There are literally only two steps to play the game:

1. Go to 2025 F1 Game registration and register.

2. Go to selections for the first race to make your initial selections.

You can leave it there. Your selections will copy over to all the races so you will score points each week. You can update your selections for any race up until the race is locked (set to be two hours prior to the official race start time). You will be able to see practice and qualifying before you make changes to allow you to make any updates for drivers performing above or below what you expect for any given race.

The points system is pretty simple - you start with 150 points. You lose a point for each position each of your predictions finishes away from where you predicted them to finish (e.g. if you predict Lewis Hamilton to finish third and he wins, you lose two points. If he finished seventh, you would lose 4 points). You gain 10 bonus points for every correct prediction making 250 points the maximum that can be scored each week if you guess all 10 positions correctly.

Any updates can be made from your race game account by selecting the appropriate competition.

Good luck!

Why didn't you tell me?

(Posted 13:22:50 on 3rd February 2025 by Rag)
Huh! I can't believe that none of you told me that not all my blogs were coming through on the weekly email. In fairness, it's highly likely that you've all missed the AI series that I started posting a couple of years ago. In fairness, I haven't posted to that blog in about 18 months, but I did post to it last week given the recent developments in AI, particularly the release of DeepSeek. If any of you are interested in that post or if you want to view the AI series, there are the links.

Say what you will about those videos ...

(Posted 17:27:52 on 5th November 2024 by Rag)
... and now you can! Comments have been added to the videos - yay!

Less blog, more vid

(Posted 17:23:59 on 3rd November 2024 by Rag)
I've decided to stop posting blogs about bike rides and then posting the video of the bike ride and essentially duplicating the post. What I've done is added the track map to the video player so all the information is there and you can just go look at the video if you really want to. Given that Owen's the only person who looks at the video's it might have been easier to just message him on Whatsapp rather than posting a blog about not posting blogs, but where would the fun have been in that?

2024 F1 Race Game

(Posted 18:48:22 on 4th February 2024 by Rag)
A new Formula 1 season is upon us and the race game is setup for all to play. There are very few changes this year, but will the cars perform the same? Let's see how good you are at predicting the top ten each race. The game is really simple, you need to pick 10 drivers that you think will finish in the top 10 positions of each race. In order to play, you must be registered with EastBayRag. You then need to logon (when you try to access the page or any other page that requires logon, you will be taken to the logon screen).

There are literally only two steps to play the game:

1. Go to 2024 F1 Game registration and register.

2. Go to selections for the first race to make your initial selections.

You can leave it there. Your selections will copy over to all the races so you will score points each week. You can update your selections for any race up until the race is locked (set to be two hours prior to the official race start time). You will be able to see practice and qualifying before you make changes to allow you to make any updates for drivers performing above or below what you expect for any given race.

The points system is pretty simple - you start with 150 points. You lose a point for each position each of your predictions finishes away from where you predicted them to finish (e.g. if you predict Lewis Hamilton to finish third and he wins, you lose two points. If he finished seventh, you would lose 4 points). You gain 10 bonus points for every correct prediction making 250 points the maximum that can be scored each week if you guess all 10 positions correctly.

Any updates can be made from your race game account by selecting the appropriate competition.

Good luck!

Closer than I would have liked

(Posted 12:13:46 on 26th November 2023 by Rag)
Well, congratulations to me, but only just. I didn't realize there was a race this weekend, so I didn't update my selections. I ended up losing 50 points to William in the final face, but I'd managed to get that far in front from the previous races, mostly because of the good luck I had with the Vegas selections.

Here's the final leaderboard

The Hidden Blogs

(Posted 11:04:41 on 30th October 2023 by Rag)
Well, not necessarily hidden, more missing from the weekly emails. Due to a glitch in The Matrix and nothing to do with poor programming or anything like that, the weekly email has been missing any general “Stuff” blogs if there were AI blogs in the same week. I did contemplate resending the weekly mail, but given that I didn't write anything interesting in the blogs from, what is now, last week, I didn't bother. Instead, I figured I'd write this to let you know you may have missed something that was completely unimportant. Anyone wanting to know if they missed something can use this link to the recent stuff blogs.

Talking smack

(Posted 18:25:12 on 8th March 2023 by Rag)
Slightly delayed, but the update is here and we're introducing the Race Game smack talk, a place to go to comment on the game, the season, the other competitors or anything you want, really. And it's all mobile friendly. (That link is for the 2023 F1 season).

Now, why have we done this? Well .... imagine this .... let's say Mr O is out getting a bit of daily exercise, playing Pokémon. There he is, catching one over here and another over there. Perhaps stopping to take a gym. Then, in the middle of his daily Pokémoning he thinks about something I wrote on about the last race and comes to the conclusion that I'm a knob. Instead of having to send me an email on the matter, he can just pop to a different window on his browser and post to the smack talk.

You might be fooled into thinking this is a very specific use case, but I like to look at this as service. Where else can you go to get pre-emptive problem solving like that?

But there's more. Oh yes, indeedy! Hold your horses and batten down the hatches. Get ready for this one. We are now emoji friendly 😎😍😋. Not going to lie, this change has been a bitch and will be the subject of another blog, but for now, just know that emoji's can be used anywhere on the site.

Why did we do this? You might ask. Well .... today's teenager is incapable of using words to express their feelings. Instead they rely on these symbols to communicate. Given that William is participating in the competition, I figured it would allow him the opportunity to join the conversation. Although I'm not entirely sure we'll understand what he's trying to say. I got confused the other day when I saw him message his girlfriend about coming over to make a very strange vegetarian dish that mixed vegetables and fruit. Something about him coming over to put his 🍆 in her 🍑. I can't think that would taste very nice.

2023 Fantasy F1 Game is Here

(Posted 16:36:17 on 2nd February 2023 by Rag)
Alrighty everyone, the moment you've all been waiting for. The Race Game returns, this time with 2023 Formula 1 season. The game is really simple, you need to pick 10 drivers that you think will finish in the top 10 positions of each race. In order to play, you must be registered with EastBayRag. You then need to logon (when you try to access the page or any other page that requires logon, you will be taken to the logon screen).

There are literally only two steps to play the game:

1. Go to 2023 F1 Game registration and register.

2. Go to selections for the first race to make your initial selections.

You can leave it there. Your selections will copy over to all the races so you will score points each week. You can update your selections for any race up until the race is locked (set to be two hours prior to the official race start time). You will be able to see practice and qualifying before you make changes to allow you to make any updates for drivers performing above or below what you expect for any given race.

The points system is pretty simple - you start with 150 points. You lose a point for each position each of your predictions finishes away from where you predicted them to finish (e.g. if you predict Lewis Hamilton to finish third and he wins, you lose two points. If he finished seventh, you would lose 4 points). You gain 10 bonus points for every correct prediction making 250 points the maximum that can be scored each week if you guess all 10 positions correctly.

Any updates can be made from your race game account by selecting the appropriate competition.

Good luck!

Dive, Dive, Dive

(Posted 13:10:47 on 29th January 2023 by Rag)
The subs are here! One of the things I've done as part of the website cleanup is implemented sub domains. This now means that you can reach parts of the site quicker and easier by using the following sub domains:

blog.eastbayrag.com or blogs.eastbayrag.com
forum.eastbayrag.com or forums.eastbayrag.com
photo.eastbayrag.com or photos.eastbayrag.com
video.eastbayrag.com or videos.eastbayrag.com

You won't though, but if you did want to, you could. Now, the one that you will probably click on is the one I use to write a shopping list for William and given the nosy nature of people, I'm sure you're going to want to see what I'm asking him to get:
