

(Posted 22:17:51 on 17th June 2007 by Rag)
There’s an advert on TV in the States that has a pre-teen girl talking to her mother in "text message" speech. Complete with subtitles for those of us that don’t understand abbreviations like OMG or TISNF. I guess I’m the older generation now as I obviously need subtitles. Far be it from me to understand these abbreviations, I mean … WTF.

Any of you remember those old jokes when computers first came out about homosexual command line prompts – C:Enter I prefer the American version (utilizing the fact that this "#" is the pound symbol rather than the hash symbol) – C:Enter:###

What’s all this got to do with this blog then? Bugger all really – thought I’d sidetrack a little. I ended up on some site somewhere during this project that talked about how to write the best blogs. Really, all it said was to include photos to make it more interesting. My guess is that article was written by a pre-teen that had far more interesting things to write about than putting together a webserver and blog site. But, not wanting to debunk the idea before I’ve tried it, please find a photo of my Ebay purchase. And, through the wizardry of some javascript, if you double click on the image in this blog, the picture will open up in a larger window so you can see the details more clearly. Go on, give it a try ……


…….there, where else can you have so much fun?


This is a Build Your Own Blog entry.