
Personal dilemma

(Posted 09:41:28 on 19th November 2007 by Mr O)
A number of you have been asking where I've been, what I've been doing, why haven't I been blogging? Well, when I say a number, 1, but 1 is a number. The answer is that I have been busy and couldn't be arsed, that and as I've said before, I don't have that much of a life and therefore not much to say.

So onto the dilemma, it appears that I may actually have a free day on Saturday and I don't know whether to go to the horse racing at Huntingdon (it being Peterborough chase day, the most prestgious day on the Huntingdon calendar) or to stay in and watch the football live on sky and then whatever sport I can find for the rest of the day. On the plus side it'd be good to get out and get some fresh air and daylight, on the downside it'll be effing cold, could be expensive and I'd miss watching Liverpool.

So I thought I'd leave it up to the hoardes of loyal readers to decide, so should I:

a) go to the races,
b) stay in and watch the footy, or
c) actually get a life?

Vote by posting a comment.
19th November 2007
Do a) go to the races, video (DVR) b) the footie and watch when you get home, then get up in the morning and c) get a life!
21st November 2007
Based on that atrocious performance by England I would suggest never watching football again and telling the England team to get life. And by life I mean decent manager. So my vote is that you go to the races. “A”


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