
Xena Has Transformed My Life

(Posted 22:31:27 on 17th June 2007 by Rag)
This blog probably belongs later on, however, it’s something I wished I knew earlier in the project so I’ve included it here. Did you know that all web documents are supposed to conform to certain standards? Well, I didn’t. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) have created various standards for documents to conform to releases of HTML or XHTML. Kind of weird, but finding this out after creating a number of pages confused me as it seemed to be telling me that I need to state what document I had created. The pages I created worked in that they load into the browsers and display pretty much what I want, so why bother? If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Maybe, but if a job’s worth doing, it’s worth doing well.

Excuse me while I ramble off into a war of sayings. Truth is, the standards are there for a reason – to ensure that the instructions are interpreted correctly. Also, they’re used by the search engines to a certain extent, so you benefit by following the standard.

W3C offers tools that can be used to test the validity of the webpages you’ve created. Something that is well worth taking advantage of.

The one thing that confuses me though is whether or not W3C is the correct acronym. I know that when you multiply something out it doesn’t matter which order the components are in, but following the logic of Y2K it would seem to me that W3C = WCCC rather than WWWC. Maybe Worcestershire Country Cricket Club have started defining standards for the Internet.

On another ramble and back to the title, did you see the episode where Xena and Gabrielle kissed? One of TV’s greatest moments I feel.


This is a Build Your Own Blog entry.