
Business plan rebuttal

(Posted 13:45:00 on 22nd January 2008 by Mr O)
Having read Webmaster J's business plan, I have decided to formulate my own. I could have delved into Maslow's triangle but decided to follow that of American billionaires and sports teams.

The plan is to offer $8m (well below the market valuation) and fund this purchase with a number of high risk loans with no real collateral behind them. I then plan on interfering with the way the website is run, denying funds for new servers, hard-drives and memory. This should then upset the "fans" of the website prompting protests and boycotts of the site. This should then come to the attention of a few people wearing tea-towels on their heads to whom I'd sell the site to for $12m. I'm happy, Webmaster J's happy, and nuts to the fans of the site.

All I can say is - "Gillette, not necessarily the best a man can get"


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