
When is a freebie, not a freebie?

(Posted 12:16:33 on 29th January 2008 by Mr O)
When it's a bowling ball.

One of the guys at work decided that he wanted to take up bowling a bit more seriously, not sure why, but he has these whims every now and then. He decided to go to the local pro shop and put a deposit down on a ball. He then dragged me down to the shop to try and convince me to buy my own ball, but I said I'd wait and see how he got on with his own.

All was fine until I got a phone call yesterday morning from him saying that he'd picked a free ball and did I want it? The problem is that he's left handed and the ball was right handed (apparently there is a difference). He'd been to a wedding the day before and was chatting to someone, mentioned that he was buying a ball and they said that they had an old one and were planning on throwing it out so he could have it for nothing.

Now here comes the expensive bit, if you've got your own bowling ball you can't really turn up to the local alley with it in a Tesco carrier-bag. You either get laughed out of the place or the bag splits before you get there and the ball rolls down the street. So a proper bag is needed. The other problem is the finger holes are a little small for my chubby fingers, so I will need it re-boring. Oh and on top of that, the previous owner had his name etched on the ball, so I'm going to have re-name myself Andy.

Of course, now I've got my own ball, I've now got to go more often and raise my average above 42, so all in all it could prove to be a very costly freebie.
30th January 2008
What does a bowling ball do when it stops rolling? It looks round.

OK - back to my day job.
Mysterious Mr O
1st February 2008
I’m so shocked that someone is actually reading my blog that I’ll let that incredibly bad joke pass.


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