
Special Thanx

(Posted 22:34:54 on 17th June 2007 by Rag)
A big thank you to all of the software providers I’ve used. The list is as follows:

PHP used as a preprocessor for most pages. PHP allows you to script pages and images dynamically on the server before they are sent to the browser. For example, the page you are browsing now doesn’t really exist – it is created using PHP and served to you in XHTML format with some javascript thrown in.

MySQL is the database engine used to store data as needed. These blogs are stored in a MySQL database and fetched by PHP to be displayed in XHTML format.

Apache as mentioned previously is the webserver software. When you connect to this site, Apache sends you the page you are looking for.

Crimson Editor is the software used to write the code for the webpages whether they be in HTML, PHP or whatever.

hMailServer is the email server that I use for mail sent to eastbayrag.com.

ZoneEdit is the domain name registrar I use to direct all the www.eastbayrag.com traffic to my server.

Inadyn is the software used to update ZoneEdit with my IP address (sadly no longer active). I have a dynamic IP address so I need to keep my Domain Name Server (DNS) updated with my IP address if it changes so requests are correctly sent to my computer.

LogValidator from W3C. As mentioned above, this is used to test the appropriateness of coding against the standards.

Perl is another scripting language. This is required to use the LogValidator program from W3C. This looks really powerful and I look forward to using it more. At the minute I’m just using it to run the LogValidator.

TightVNC allows remote access to the server so I can perform maintenance or transfer files remotely.


This is a Build Your Own Blog entry.