
Horray for Nollywood

(Posted 14:13:09 on 9th February 2008 by Mr O)
With the protracted writers strike still dragging on (apologies for the tautology there) I came across something in the movie channels section on Sky (Satellite TV) that may fill the gap in the cinema schedules.

On channel 331, there is a channel called Nollywood. I had to look it up on Wikipedia, and it is channel devoted entirely to films from Nigeria. I guess if Indian films come from Bollywood (named from the portmanteau of Bombay and Hollywood), the natural progression is the Nigerian version Nollywood, but it does make one wonder what will come next.... perhaps...

Collywood - films about English sheepdogs
Gollywood - films starring characters from Robertsons jam labels
Mollywood - films starring Molly Sugden making references to her pussy
Pollywood - films made entirely with talking parrots

I'm sure there are more, and seeing as the caption competition has fizzled out, there's a prize for the best ollywood pun. The prize being an automotive PA system, which I appear to have become the sole UK distributor of. Good Luck.


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