
Bizarre Emailing

(Posted 12:40:50 on 21st April 2008 by Rag)
You may or may not be aware, but alongside the irrelevant ramblings of Mr O and myself, there is actually some useful stuff on this site - some bug fixes to applications and little bits of code here and there. From time to time I get hits on the site and someone will download something and this generally makes me happy as I get the sense that I've helped someone - the most recent of which was an Internet / Business Solution Service Provide based in Kazakhstan.

Most of these hits are around the fix to the upload progress in PHP that just brings up a pop up window with a bar that indicates the progress a file has made for upload (when a user submits a file to you). When a user downloads a file, the progress indicator is controlled on the user's machine. Anyway, you get the picture.

What's really confusing me is that I got a series of random emails submitted on the web-form with complete garbage as the content and random links to pages that don't exist. And I don't just mean pages that sound right, most of the links were to things like http://hdfafklad.com. Unless I'm missing something (which could always be the case, lets face it) these seem really odd. Only thing I can think is that somebody's looking for something in the wrong place. The email web-form does allow attachments, but it doesn't utilize the upload progress. If you want to see the upload progress, that is on the upload file form that you can get to from that link or from the contact page (click on the “submit file to EBR” link) or directly from the contact menu at the bottom of any page (again click “submit file to EBR”).

My only plea is that if you send something, try and make it interesting. Also, if you are just doing a test, please put something like test in the text so I know to ignore it and just delete it rather than getting me spending my time trying to decipher something. Last, if you have any problems or questions - you should just email me them directly (web-form is fine) - I will respond.


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