

(Posted 14:45:42 on 12th May 2008 by Mr O)
I'm not sure if this is going to turn into a Seinfeld-esque bit, but what's the deal with milk these days?

When I was a kid, milk came in a bottle and it was left on your doorstep early in the morning and your only problem was keeping the tits off it. Plus milk was milk, you didn't get the choice of different types of milk, it was milk straight from the cow rushed past your face, i.e. pasteurised (past your eyes - oh forget it). If you were lucky you got gold top as a treat, but normally you got standard milk.

With the onset of global warming and the never ending march of the supermarket we stopped getting milk delivered and sold our soul to Tesco. It was amazing you went into the milk "aisle" and you had the choice of three different kinds of milk (ignoring the flavoured milk options), normal full fat, semi-skimmed and skimmed. As time went on, other kinds of milk like organic, goat’s milk and milk of magnesia appeared on the shelves.

However, I was in the supermarket the other day and a new kind of milk had appeared 1% fat milk. I hadn't realised that there was a gap in the market, with full fat being 4%, semi-skimmed at 2% and skimmed at 0.1%. 1% fat was the obvious choice, but where does it stop, 0.5%, 3%, 2.6565645%? I guess they'll only stop when the rub out of colours for the labels.

What I want to know is where they keep the fields of low fat grass they are feeding the cows on to make this new kind of milk.


Right I'm off to find some 1% fat cookies to go with my new milk, happy drinking.


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