
It’s official, the world HAS gone mad

(Posted 11:19:33 on 20th July 2008 by Mr O)
Firstly let me officially welcome the Rag to it's new home, let's hope for bigger and better things in the future including the 10th person to sign up for the newsletter.

So, onto my story. It was during a rare spare 5 minutes at work when I got the chance to read the computing magazine I subscribe to. It was a story about how political correctness has been taken to a new level of stupidity.

The airport at St Marys on the Isles of Scilly needs a new air traffic controller so they have put out a job advert. One of the key attributes of the role is 20-20 vision, however they have made a Braille version of the job spec and application form available due to local laws around not being able to discrimate against visually challenged individuals.

What do they expect, the guide dog to bark when the planes get too close, or piss on it's owners left leg for left and right leg for right? It's mad, some people are just not suitable for some jobs. I know I'll never be a 100m runner but I don't expect to be asked.



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