
The Dynamic Duo

(Posted 12:56:07 on 14th February 2009 by Rag)
I guess Owen gave a little away to the background of this trip on his Oblog “has it really been over 4 months?” so I guess it's my time to add a little flavor to the story. Indeed, before there were four, there were two. We originally started as Batman and Robin before the onset of the A-Team status.

As with Mr O, I'm not going to go back and fill in all the gaps since 1990 or even talk about various Formula 1 or other motor racing events that we've ended up at. As he pointed out, there had been some talk about road trip and I guess we did potentially look to do something last year. One thing after another and we ended up looking for something the other side of Christmas.


(Do I hear a groan yet? It's going to get worse!)


This is a Road Trip Blog entry.