

(Posted 15:59:16 on 14th February 2009 by Rag)
All was quiet on Tracy Island. Jeff and Brains were running a series of system checks preparing for the upcoming trip. Then it suddenly dawned on them:


“How the fuck were four fat bastards going to get themselves and their luggage into this car to travel across the States?” It was clear it wouldn’t work. It was also clear they needed help.


Faster than you can say “International Rescue”, Thunderbird 2 pulled up at Orlando International Airport and out stepped Virgil and Gordon (from that little yellow thing that came out of the back of Thunderbird 2 but didn’t really do a lot).


Jeff and Brains briefed Virgil and Gordon on the situation. It seemed hopeless. But then Brains, using the brain power of his might brain realized that he was not just a character from a 60’s children’s series, he was also a soldier of fortune surviving in the Los Angeles underground. Mustering up his best disguise as a health inspector, Faceman Brains went to the car hire desk and told them there was an outbreak of salmonella in a Dodge Grand Caravan we’d spotted on the way in.


Apparently it was reserved for a foreign dignitary that was due to arrive later that day. Using all his cunning, the cartooned fugitive told the agent at the desk that he wouldn’t want to go spreading salmonella to a foreign dignitary and that we would take the Caravan off their hands and get it decontaminated.

It worked. The Caravan was commandeered.

Thunderbirds are go! The only question that remained was “how many more alter egos can I dream up for the four of us?” The quest begins.
14th February 2009
Surely Captain Kirk, Mr Spock, Dr Macoy and Scottie need to show up somewhere :)
15th February 2009
it wouldnt be a true Draper trip if you didnt order a hire car thats too small for the job !


This is a Road Trip Blog entry.