
Two countries separated by a common language

(Posted 12:24:38 on 27th June 2007 by Mr O)
Well somehow I got coerced into producing my own mini-blog on this site and I have hit my first dilemma before I even start. Who are my target audience and therefore which version of English should I use? Obviously Bill Gates would have us believe that the Americans invented the language, but as George Bernard Shaw said, we are two countries separated by a common language.

So back to the dilemma, do I call my mobile phone a cellphone, do I call football soccer, do I drop the letter U randomly from words and stick Z's where an S should suffice?

I think the answer is nuts to the lot of you, I'm writing this from the otherside of the Atlantic and I'm going to use the Queen's English, however that could be classed as discriminatory, so I guess where confusion could be caused I'll use both versions of the words.

Right I'm off to smoke a fag.


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