
Do bears shit in the woods?

(Posted 06:07:16 on 23rd February 2009 by Rag)
Well, I'm back. Not just the imposing threat of Arnie that “I'll be back” - I actually am back. Anyone who's been following our progress may have noticed that the track has stopped working for the last couple of days. It's still not working as it appears that the gps tracking file has corrupted somehow - the file is proprietary coded, so I can't get in to edit it. That said, after downloading multiple programs I have managed to find a way to create my own track from a map. This doesn't time stamp, so I can't attach photos to it, but at least it is possible to show where we are and where we've been. The map is about as accurate as I can get it without the full gps, so lets hope the support folks can figure out what's gone wrong with my file.

OK - so Mr O has more than adequately filled in the details of where we are and where we've been. Just for the benefit of Ross, I feel the need to repeat a couple of puns:

“We got the hell out of Dodge”


“We're not in Kansas anymore”

Before leaving Kansas, we did find Dorothy on the Yellow Brick Road, but we also found four Munchkins:

I suppose Munchkins is one word - I'm sure you can think of many more. One giant steak and miles of endless straight roads later and we came across the Billy the Kid museum. Not one that I'm going to recommend, however, we did get a little closer to answering that all important question of “do bears shit in the woods?”


This is a Road Trip Blog entry.