
Could it be Magic?

(Posted 14:42:02 on 24th October 2009 by Mr O)
(no don't worry, not a reference to Barry Manilow or Take That)

Where I work there's a shared break area with a kettle and two fridges where people keep milk and their lunches etc. Like any other communal food areas certain items get "borrowed" from time to time. Well yesterday someone last straw had been placed on their camel's back and pinned the following note to the fridge door:

"I see that someone has reoffended with the stealing situation, this time milk.
I had a full pint that seems to have vanished funny that seeing as magic isn't real"

Under which some smart alec had scrawled:

"Magic IS real"

Looks like we have David Copperfield working in our call centre these days


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