
Reach for the skies

(Posted 05:09:11 on 22nd January 2011 by Rag)
So it seems as if Halo has once again taken over a significant portion of my life. I have to be honest that they've done a really good job with Reach and made the multiplayer very exciting given how much you can customize it. Anyway, was poking around on one site or other and came across this video that I have to say is pretty well put together and you have to respect the talent with the sniper.

I'm also fascinated by the end and the badges that they created. Extermination has to be the hardest award to get (kill all four openents yourself within 4 seconds so they have none on the field and you get an overkill award). Has to be the hardest ..... or is it?

Well, I don't get any marks for style and there's a lot of luck, particularly with the player who came up the stairs and walked into my grenade, but here you go.

I call this:

“Anything you can do, I can do .... well, with a lot of luck!”

“Bring on the teenagers, there's still life in this old dog yet!”

“Getting the lead back in style”


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