
Bugger these cities with two airports

(Posted 19:37:58 on 25th September 2011 by Rag)
Yet again, I appear to have been caught out by the old “more than one airport in a city” gag. This time the honor belongs to Chicago, last time it was Houston. Now, I've just arrived and that means that I did indeed go to the right airport on the basis that the plane took me there. The problem is that I arranged to meet a colleague here to travel to the hotel together, but he went to a different airport. In fairness, I figured out on the flight over that there were two airports and I did a search when I landed to see that there were no direct flights from San Jose to Chicago Midway which likely meant he was going to the other airport. I think he also figured it out too and there was no harm done, it just seems that I've fallen foul of this a couple of times now.

OK, moving on, one thing that amused me was that there was an announcement for a “Richard Balless” to report to customer service. And I always thought a dick and balls came together.


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