
Wot no car

(Posted 22:02:57 on 17th November 2011 by Rag)
So, I just landed in Burbank and was supposed to be picking up a car because I have to scoot round SoCal tomorrow. Starting in Passedina and ending up in Orange County. It's been a long time since I've rented a car as I've either been in taxis or been with someone else who's got a car. In fact, it's probably been five years or so.

Anyway, got to the rental car desk and was providing my details. They said that they saw I was going to be dropping the car off in Orange County and I said yes ... as well as the car having hand controls. On account of the fact that I need hand controls on a car to drive it.


What do you mean Oh?

To keep a long story short, they didn't think they'd been notified, then they went into the record and said that the hand controls had been put into the remarks field and not the comments field. The remarks field doesn't print out on the site when they are prepping the cars blah blah blah.

Interestingly, I'm thinking - why is this my problem - the booking was made correctly, it's an internal error. Then I looked around and realized I was stuck at the airport with no car, so it probably was my problem. Anyway, I've made it to the hotel as they kindly drove me here. We're going to play a game of tag tomorrow. They're going to try and get a car ready in the morning and then bring it to me. I told them I have a 7.30 meeting so need the car by 7.00 and found out that was not possible. I've managed to get someone who I'm working with to pick me up from the hotel and take me to the first client I'm at. I've also reached out to someone else to see if they can come and get me and take me to the second client I need to get to for lunch about an hour and a half away. The rental car company are going to call me on my mobile when they are ready so they can find out where I am and deliver the car to me. Why do I get the feeling that they'll end up driving it to Orange County and handing it back in for me? It'll be amusing if that happens and I get billed for it.
18th November 2011
So here's the update (as I know you've not been able to sleep since I posted this). I got up in the morning and decided to make my own transport. I already had a ride to client #1, but found someone to pick me up and drive me to client #2. I also called my executive assistant to ask her to cancel the car rental. The day went ahead with no hitches at all, everything went great.

I landed in Oakland and picked up a voicemail from the rental car company to say my car was ready for pick up. So they had made the call some time whilst I was on the flight.

Needless to say that I didn't return the call.
Mr O
21st November 2011
You know you'll get charged and for some unknown reason there'll be an extra charge for a pillow.


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