

(Posted 18:17:30 on 5th February 2012 by Rag)
There comes a time when we need to sit down and talk about fannies. And that time is now. I think you've been with us long enough that we can have a good open and honest chat. The first thing about fannies is that the differ considerably depending on which side of the pond you reside. One could indeed say that the difference is a front or rear perspective on an opening. Well, it's not the opening that we're interested in today, more the valley. And the larger question of what does one do when they find themselves in Fanny Valley?

I have absolutely no idea what the answer to this question is, but I do find myself well and truly in Fanny Valley. Let me explain. I've just signed up for this wonderful service provided by Google where you can look at stats about your website. It's predominantly focused on helping you manage your site and to enable you to improve it in search ratings and the like, so of relatively no use to me for this site as I have absolutely no concern about what are the key words that give the most hits for this site as I'm not trying to generate any revenue from it. Very helpful from a management perspective as it tells you things like if there are broken links and which pages those links are coming from. Even though I'm not trying to generate any revenue, I still want the site to work.

OK .... so where on earth am I going and what does this have to do with fannies or fanny valley's. Well, the one thing the tool does is to tell you where your site is linked from and for some absolutely unknown reason to me I have a page linked from WikiWorldBook under “Fanny Valley”. Don't believe me? Here's the link. You have to look carefully as it's a bird picture they've linked.

The one thing that keeps coming to mind is whether or not this is a place in Wales.


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