
New look Graffiti Wall

(Posted 18:27:39 on 2nd April 2012 by Rag)
One of the oldest elements of EastBayRag has just been given a face lift. The Graffiti Wall has been cleaned and is waiting for you to spray some new slogans or quotes. Actually, it hasn't been cleaned - if you were one of the few who actually entered something there, it still exists for all to see. All I've done is taken advantage of some of the new features in HTML 5 to have the wall look more like a wall with lots of graffiti scrunched together as opposed to having to scroll down to see the next bit of writing.

If you have an old browser, it won't display and you'll be taken to the old wall. Well, sort of. If you have an old IE browser you'll be taken to the old wall. I've sort of made the assumption that anyone using a different browser will have updated to the latest version and will be able to view HTML 5. If not ... tough!

Anyway, enjoy the new Graffiti Wall. Take a look and have a go.

Oh! It updates every time you load the page, so if it's showing something in a bad color and you can't read it, hit F5 and it'll be displayed differently.


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