
It could be worse ...

(Posted 18:32:04 on 20th May 2012 by Rag)
Somewhat late in posting this completely irrelevant post, but it's sort of a continuation of my luck with taxi drivers. During my last visit to Houston, I ended up in a taxi back to the airport which was sort of interesting. It kind of started when I noticed the TV in the cab and asked what it was for. Not a flat screen display, a full 14 inch tube type TV. Initially I was told this was to play videos for the passengers.

Time passed and I ended up getting the life story of the driver that seemed to be full of ups and downs. To keep a long story somewhat short, he'd split up from his wife and seemed to be trying to get me to agree with him that it was all her fault ... yep ... and then you get halfway to the airport and you realize that the TV is in the cab because that's where the driver is living ... hmmm. Next we find that he thinks he's a music star and has created a CD with the song “ain't no drama with President Barrack O'Bama”. But oh no. Just creating it isn't enough when you've got a captive audience. How joyed I was to listen to this track that may or may not have had more lyrics in it, but all I can remember is a continuous repeat of the title.

So, you're in a cab with a homeless guy, completely down on his luck. He then started to ask me how I ended up needing walking sticks and then says “whenever I think I've got it bad, I see someone like you and realize it could be worse ...”

Way to make me feel on top of the world.


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