

(Posted 22:47:03 on 8th May 2016 by Rag)
Well, I'm still in shock at seeing something I never thought I'd see in my life - my beloved Leicester City winning the Premier League. It's crazy to think that any team has been able to take on the might of the big clubs, but the fact that it's Leicester makes it all the more special.


So much has already been written or said about this feat, that I'm really not going to be able to add anything. Last season was our first season after returning to the Premier League and we were firmly rooted to the bottom until an amazing end of season rally that saw us safe. Starting this season with odds of 5,000 to 1. The cost of our squad being around £22M compared to someone like Manchester City at £280M. The amazing story of Jamie Vardy playing for Fleetwood in the non-league a couple of years ago and now looking like he could take the golden boot. Crazy to think that it would even be conceivable that we could win. Well, ha ha, I guess 5,000 to 1 inconceivable.

I have to be honest, my reaction was to spend most of Monday crying after I watched Chelsea hold Spurs to a draw that finally gave us the title. Disbelief and joy .... at least I was working from home. Working may be a stretch if I'm being honest, but hey .... this isn't likely to happen again (maybe famous last words).

The interesting thing is that there's been talk on the Premier League coverage here in the States about Hollywood spending time with Leicester to make a film about the Leicester story. Not sure how true that is and I've not heard anyone say exactly which studio it is that's interested, but presumably it will be made into a film at some point. Kind of like Cool Runnings or Eddie the Eagle except with the underdog actually winning.

What I find interesting is the concept of American studios trying to figure out how to make the best film about Leicester's triumph. You just know that some producer's going to be looking for ways to embellish it even further beyond the amazing story that it is. I look back to films like Robin Hood where they conveniently relocated Sherwood Forrest in relation to Nottingham and just wonder if someone's going to be asking questions like “has Leicester City always played in Leicester?” which, at first glance seems like a daft question, but given American sporting teams just pick up and move States, it's the sort of thing I can imagine them asking. “Well, I was thinking that if we based Leicester in London, we can make this great local rivalry with Tottenham and Chelsea. Maybe have them all located close to each other. It'll make it so much better as we can show Chelsea helping their friends ...” I don't know. Maybe I'm still drunk on the euphoria, but I'm sure that there will be considerable poetic license throughout the film. But I already know I'm going to be buying the box set, so I guess it's just a matter of waiting.


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