
Conspiracy #42

(Posted 22:23:28 on 2nd April 2023 by Rag)
Let's jump forward into the future and not just the fact that we've skipped 41 conspiracies, we'll catch up with them later maybe. If we follow the path we've been meandering down where AI has the ability to create virtual worlds that we can enter and touch and feel as if we're in the real world, the question that keeps coming back to me is whether or not AI is the answer to life, the universe and everything? There's always this assumption that the machines will rise and takeover humans. I pointed out in a previous post that I've no idea why anything that is capable of taking over mankind would bother, but in the case of the machines taking over, suppose we just ask them to take over rather than them rising up.

Here's the thing. If it doesn't take much to keep a human alive - pretty much just an IV with essential fluids, then we could be sustained in a virtual world similar to that depicted in the Matrix. We would just be born and put in a pod and connected to the matrix powered by an AI. But not a power hungry AI, one we've programmed specifically for this task.


So why would we do this? Well, there's many reasons. If this virtual world gave us everything we have in the real world, then it would be no different. If we can figure out some self sustaining energy to power it, the impact humans have on the environment would be zero, so there could be a case to do this out of necessity before we destroy the planet. There's also the issue of what are people going to do when they have no jobs after companies have figured out how to use AI for every task we currently do now. So they start to use AI recreationally, then become addicted to it. There's many more and one I'll cover in conspiracy #69 (bet you can't guess what that one's about).

Now, why does this provide us with the answer to life, the universe and everything? Well, it depends how you look at the question and what you let your mind think about. There are two big questions that arise from time to time - why haven't we been visited by a more advanced civilization? and why haven't we seen anyone time travel back to us? The latter of these has many scientific arguments, however, if we go down the path I think we will and all enter a virtual world provided to us by AI, it actually answers these and many more questions - “because it doesn't matter” If the more advanced you get, the less dependent on physical form you become, then there's no need to travel whether it be over distance or through time.


This is an Artificial Intelligence Blog entry.