
AirCon 1

(Posted 19:30:14 on 22nd July 2007 by Rag)
Well, after writing that intensive article above that has the potential to actually be helpful to someone, I looked around and thought wow! I'm really creating something here. But it didn't take long for reality to set in.

Those of you that have been following the OBlogs will know that the weather in the UK has been pretty miserable. On the other hand, we are in the middle of the hot California sun which is great unless you are a computer that needs to be kept cool.

Not to worry. Those of you that are worried about the EBR server farm will be happy to know that we've spared no expense to install the latest in air conditioning technology to keep the system cool as you can see from the picture below (which can be double clicked to get an even better view):

Rag 2007-07-22 191235.jpg

The funny thing is, I was thinking about moving the system downstairs where it's cooler, but that would mean connecting a couple of wireless routers. Given the entire system ran at $142.50 it didn't really seem cost effective to shell out for the wireless routers. Whilst downstairs, however, I found this old fan which seems to be doing the job pretty well.


This is a Build Your Own Blog entry.