
Thursday night is quiz night

(Posted 16:23:53 on 26th July 2007 by Mr O)
It must be the same across the UK. Normally I quiz with the "country bumpkins" as our webmaster so kindly refers to them, even composing question on occasion, in fact those found on this very site are compiled by my good self.

Anyway, this week I was due to miss this week's "bumpkin" quiz to visit an old school friend and join his quiz team, however that fell through at the last minute so one of the guys at work asked me to join his quiz team.

It seems as if in his local pub there's a team that seem to win most weeks called the quizzington bears that have about 15 people in it and they are most hated team in the pub. This week our team decided to take the piss and call ourselves the gummington bears, which in itself seemed to upset them, however when they only tied for 2nd and our team won overall, the looks shot our way were priceless. We even had other teams in the pub thanking us for beating them. Ironically a couple of the questions asked were one's I'd asked the week before in the bumpkin quiz.

The moral of the story is if you want to win a pub quiz, ask me to join your team, either that or attend enough quizzes so as you know the answer to every question.


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