
iPhone Review

(Posted 19:41:44 on 30th July 2007 by Rag)
Rag 2007-07-30 191753.jpg
So, have any of you folks managed to get your hands on one of the new iPhones yet? I got my first look at one on Friday night. I was having drinks with one of my teams at work and the husband of one of my colleagues had one.

I have to say I was very impressed. It's missing a few things functionality wise, but that's a bit like saying a Ferrari is no good off road. So what, if you look that cool, you're not going to worry about the things it won't do. I'm not sure that my son agreed with this review, however. He was being extremely well behaved until his picture was taken with said phone. I also like the title that this photo was sent to me with - "like father, like son!" (William had come along for the food, not the drinks in case you are wondering. Although, that said, he tried to steel my beer several times).

On a side note, our firm issued an Alcohol Policy today. I'm told it's purely coincidental that it follows our drinks on Friday night.


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