
Cheeseburger Murders

(Posted 09:24:22 on 1st August 2007 by Rag)
Police following up on the horrific murders in Maryland caught a lucky break after circulating photos of the suspect. Taffy Nojob from Tinnysomething in Wales saw the picture and saw right through the disguise. Taffy was interviewed, but nobody could understand him. Best we know is that he mumbled something about a sheep and then said "that's Hog dressed as a woman".

Regardless, this was enough for police to make some further inquiries. Hearing about the reported "cheeseburger elbow" (see article below under "Serious Family Illness") police soon figured out it was a rouse to hide the truth. Even though Hog is partial to a cheeseburger or 10, it seems that the repetitive strain injury was caused by repeated bludgeoning.

Rag 2007-08-01 091219.jpg

If you're interested in the actual article that accompanies this picture see this site


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