
In Sports

(Posted 10:56:30 on 9th August 2007 by Rag)
A huge week in sports this week in the US. Yep - seems everyone has been glued to the TV/radio waiting for the big event to happen. I am of course talking about David Beckham's ankle and whether or not he's actually going to play any football in the US. Somewhat reminiscent of the Lineker Japan days with his poorly toe.

In other sports news apparently some guy has broken a record in the inter galactic universe championship of rounders. (AKA the world series of baseball). This is one of the most confusing things to have watched. About a year ago, all the discussion was that Barry Bonds (the guy who's hit the ball a long way to get this record) should be thrown out of the sport for steroid use. That said, I found out yesterday that these are only allegations and that Bonds has not actually admitted to taking illegal substances. Anyway, most people seemed to want him gone, but then when he got close to this record it seemed like everyone wanted him to break the record. I certainly did as every time you turned on the TV they were going on about whether or not it was going to happen today. Now that he's broken it, there seems to be a lot of talk about whether or not it should be valid if performance enhancing drugs were used.

In order to clear up this confusion, see the picture below:

Rag 2007-08-09 104903.jpg

This is a picture of Wall Street in New York. Bonds are traded there.


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