
Photo Set Complete

(Posted 18:39:58 on 22nd August 2007 by Rag)
Since the inception of this wondrous site, my colleague and author of the OBlogs has pointed out that there is a photo missing from one of the photo sets. I'm happy to report that this problem has finally been rectified.

Unfortunately this is another example of two nations divided by a common language. Sadly this joke will be somewhat lost on those that dwell in the larger of the two land masses on each side of the pond.

Really that means that 50% of the people reading this site won't understand the joke. The other 50% will understand it, but not find it funny.

That's what I like about this job. It's like a broken pencil, completely pointless.

I think it's time to go get something to eat before I think of something else totally unfunny!


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