
Archiving in Place

(Posted 19:45:26 on 24th August 2007 by Rag)
Now that we've started to get a fair amount of content on the site, seemed like a good time to put some archiving in place. Actually, not really archiving, just figured that it would help load the blog pages quicker if they only loaded entries made in the last 60 days.

This filter is only being applied to the OBlogs, Stuff Blogs and Website Blogs. The other blog pages don't have too much content, or, in the case of the BYOB blogs, it made sense to leave the full list intact.

This just means that if you're hunting for an old article, you may need to click the archives link (under the search box on the Blog Bar to the left). Additionally, the search and weekly mail links will take you to a new page to view single blog entries. The simple reason for this is so you will always be able to get to an article from an old link (old being any link from here on in, not any before today as that would have required me to be psychic and know what it is I was going to build for the archiving). Otherwise, if you had a link from over 60 days ago, it would take you to the current page and the article wouldn't show up there as the page is only displaying articles less than 60 days old. Now it goes to the single blog entry view that has access to all articles, figures out where you are and puts a button under the title that will take you to the article in its category listing (OBlog, BYOB, Stuff etc.)

Hope this makes sense. To be honest, it was easier to set up than to explain.


This is a Website Blog entry.