
Stuff Archives

Transposing Haircut

(Posted 11:01:30 on 9th August 2007 by Rag)
I'm really gutted that the photos I took of this didn't come out. Anyway, I was following a car up the freeway that had the license plate CUTNDRY. I'm guessing this belonged to a hairdresser or barber. I'm just hoping that they never transpose any letters when writing it down.
9th August 2007
I just would have assumed it belonged to a frigid dyslexic. Talking of which, did you hear about the dyslexic insomniac atheist? He stayed up all night wondering if there was a dog. I thank you, I'm here all week.
9th August 2007
I suppose if you did make a typo you could always try and sell it to a nun.

In Sports

(Posted 10:56:30 on 9th August 2007 by Rag)
A huge week in sports this week in the US. Yep - seems everyone has been glued to the TV/radio waiting for the big event to happen. I am of course talking about David Beckham's ankle and whether or not he's actually going to play any football in the US. Somewhat reminiscent of the Lineker Japan days with his poorly toe.

In other sports news apparently some guy has broken a record in the inter galactic universe championship of rounders. (AKA the world series of baseball). This is one of the most confusing things to have watched. About a year ago, all the discussion was that Barry Bonds (the guy who's hit the ball a long way to get this record) should be thrown out of the sport for steroid use. That said, I found out yesterday that these are only allegations and that Bonds has not actually admitted to taking illegal substances. Anyway, most people seemed to want him gone, but then when he got close to this record it seemed like everyone wanted him to break the record. I certainly did as every time you turned on the TV they were going on about whether or not it was going to happen today. Now that he's broken it, there seems to be a lot of talk about whether or not it should be valid if performance enhancing drugs were used.

In order to clear up this confusion, see the picture below:

Rag 2007-08-09 104903.jpg

This is a picture of Wall Street in New York. Bonds are traded there.

Cheeseburger Murders

(Posted 09:24:22 on 1st August 2007 by Rag)
Police following up on the horrific murders in Maryland caught a lucky break after circulating photos of the suspect. Taffy Nojob from Tinnysomething in Wales saw the picture and saw right through the disguise. Taffy was interviewed, but nobody could understand him. Best we know is that he mumbled something about a sheep and then said "that's Hog dressed as a woman".

Regardless, this was enough for police to make some further inquiries. Hearing about the reported "cheeseburger elbow" (see article below under "Serious Family Illness") police soon figured out it was a rouse to hide the truth. Even though Hog is partial to a cheeseburger or 10, it seems that the repetitive strain injury was caused by repeated bludgeoning.

Rag 2007-08-01 091219.jpg

If you're interested in the actual article that accompanies this picture see this site

iPhone Review

(Posted 19:41:44 on 30th July 2007 by Rag)
Rag 2007-07-30 191753.jpg
So, have any of you folks managed to get your hands on one of the new iPhones yet? I got my first look at one on Friday night. I was having drinks with one of my teams at work and the husband of one of my colleagues had one.

I have to say I was very impressed. It's missing a few things functionality wise, but that's a bit like saying a Ferrari is no good off road. So what, if you look that cool, you're not going to worry about the things it won't do. I'm not sure that my son agreed with this review, however. He was being extremely well behaved until his picture was taken with said phone. I also like the title that this photo was sent to me with - "like father, like son!" (William had come along for the food, not the drinks in case you are wondering. Although, that said, he tried to steel my beer several times).

On a side note, our firm issued an Alcohol Policy today. I'm told it's purely coincidental that it follows our drinks on Friday night.

Serious Family Illness

(Posted 20:32:13 on 29th July 2007 by Rag)
My brother was up visiting our parents this weekend. Whilst there it seems he took ill. Apparently his arm became very swollen, so he was taken to the emergency room. He was diagnosed with repetitive strain injury (RSI) - seems he has cheeseburger elbow!

Hog - you're getting old. You need to slow down. Maybe take on a salad every now and then.


(Posted 09:14:23 on 25th July 2007 by Rag)
An odd little town in the UK. Interesting service providers based on the photo below:
Rag 2007-07-25 090527.jpg

Stripey Bacon

(Posted 14:16:54 on 21st July 2007 by Rag)
So, I was sent these pictures with the following text:

In a zoo in California , a mother tiger gave birth to a rare set of triplet tiger cubs. Unfortunately, due to complications in the pregnancy, the cubs were born prematurely and due to their tiny size, they died shortly after birth.

The mother tiger after recovering from the delivery, suddenly started to decline in health,
although physically she was fine. The veterinarians felt that the loss of her litter had caused
the tigress to fall into a depression. The doctors decided that if the tigress could surrogate
another mother's cubs, perhaps she would improve.

After checking with many other zoos across the country, the depressing news was that there
were no tiger cubs of the right age to introduce to the mourning mother. The veterinarians
decided to try something that had never been tried in a zoo environment. Sometimes a mother
of one species will take on the care of a different species. The only orphans" that could be
found quickly, were a litter of weanling pigs. The zoo keepers and vets wrapped the piglets in
tiger skin and placed the babies around the mother tiger. Would they become cubs or pork chops?

Take a look...you won't believe your eyes!!

Rag 2007-07-19 130919.jpgRag 2007-07-19 130948.jpgRag 2007-07-19 131051.jpg
Rag 2007-07-19 131116.jpgRag 2007-07-19 131153.jpg(Each image can be double clicked
to get a larger picture)

Seems great at face value doesn't it. Well, would you really say "a zoo in California" without being specific? Probably not. Also, as I live in California, this would be all over the local news if it were true.

That said, if you are happy with the story above and want to live in happy land, then read no further.

A little research shows that this is not even in the US and looks to be from somewhere in Asia. Potentially tied to "Tiger baiting" where tigers are starved and then introduced to various animals for the sake of gambling. Participants have the ability to bet on which animal they think is going to last the longest before they are devoured by the tiger. The photos taken above are apparently legitimate and were a test to see if they could confuse the tiger into leaving the piglets alone for a longer period by wrapping them in the skins of dead tiger cubs. (The tiger cubs having been killed earlier by being introduced to a different tiger family). The purpose of which is to simply extend the amount of betting that can take place.

The email story above the pictures was made up as a joke to see if people would look at sick photos and think they are cute.

Actually, I just made all that up (the bit about the tiger baiting), but you were falling for it weren't you - see you can be manipulated into thinking anything. (Hog - there is no water powered car!) Best we can tell is that these photos were from Sriracha Tiger Zoo just outside of Bangkok in Thailand. The zoo has some kind of circus/carnival thing and these photos were taken at that. They were picked up by someone who decided to make up the story about the zoo in California to see how much spam they could create on the basis that the pictures were cute.

Newark Hunt

(Posted 11:20:08 on 18th July 2007 by Rag)
Apparently this story [in today's morning news] was about a manhunt for a home invasion incident that started in Newark and spread to San Leandro. Obviously a very disturbing event for all those involved that doesn't paint a very pretty picture.

I, on the other hand, heard the title on the radio and had somewhat different images come to mind.

The Joy of Travel

(Posted 22:18:56 on 10th July 2007 by Rag)
Well, the outbound flight from San Francisco to Houston wasn't much fun given that I had to get up at 3:15 am to get to the airport. Used to be a time when I saw 3:15 when it came around rather than getting up to meet it, but those days are all but gone except for special occasions.

Three and a half hours on the plane - what is there to look forward to? Some kids movie or a cut up episode of a not very funny American sitcom? No thank you. It's the Sky Mall magazine! I have to be honest, I try and do anything to resist the urge to look at it, but at some point during the flight I will pick it up and read through. It kills me as I always think "there's no way I'd buy this crap" but always end up thinking "that'd be quite cool." So what's on my list:

- A remote control R2D2 because it would be cool.
- A hot dog toaster because it's called a "hot diggity dogger" and I think it would be so funny to tell people that my "hot diggity dogger" came in the mail or see how many conversation I can bring it up in. (I'm probably going to find that everybody already has one).
- An ice cream making machine because it's ice cream and Mr Whippy doesn't come round these parts.

That said, the best item on the list (and I need to say added recently - yep, I travel enough to have memorized the Sky Mall catalog and now look forward to changes) was a lightening detector. Bear with me on this. This device will apparently detect if lightning is coming, around 40 miles away if I remember correctly, in order that you can get to safety! Don't we have a saying about things that are rare and not going to happen that goes something like "that's about as likely as being struck by lightening"? So it makes perfect sense to come up with a device that warns you of this unlikely event. (Just in case the loud thunder noise didn't give away the fact that there's lightening in the area anyway).

Wouldn't you have liked to have been round the table when someone came up with that idea? Actually, I'd rather have been round the table when the marketing group came up with the idea of selling it on an airplane. Is it likely that someone who's paranoid enough to buy a lightening detector because they think they may get struck by lightening is going to get onto a plane?

I'll leave you with that thought whilst I go and order my hot diggity dogger!
11th July 2007
Has the term or past-time of dogging made it across to the US yet? Somehow I don't think you'd get away with marketing any kind of dogger, let alone a hot diggity one, in the UK.
15th July 2007
I'm not too sure how familiar everyone is with the term, but there is plenty of material around for the past-time to take place with. I just need to figure out if I'd like fries with that.

Run Away Fast

(Posted 21:57:54 on 10th July 2007 by Rag)
Sprint, one of the US wireless network service providers, today announced that they were cutting contracts with 1,000 odd of their customers who have excessively used the support desk. At first this seems very alarming, however, when you get into it, these people have been calling the help desk between 40 to 50 times a month on a regular basis.

Obviously we don't want companies just deciding who they are going to allow to be their customers on an ad hoc basis, but if the facts provided about excessive usage are true then I'm all for it as these Muppets are just increasing the cost for the rest of us. Don't they have any friends?

I don't know about you guys, but we argue in our house every time we need to call customer service about anything. It usually goes something like "it's your turn because I did it last time" You've got to be really desperate to want to talk to the support desk more than you need to.