
What crime have I committed ....

(Posted 23:39:45 on 21st October 2007 by Rag)
.... such that I am forced to go to a two year old's birthday party? I suppose it has to happen, kind of every year really. Well, not a two year old's birthday as next year it'll be a three year old's birthday party, but each year I'm guessing that we're going to have a party. At least I've got 12 months to prepare for the next one. It really does seem kind of strange that parents would want to hold such an event - between the kids screeming, grabbing toys and shouting “mine” then pushing the other kids away, running away so the parents had to chase them, streaming snot down the front of their faces and pooping themselves it was .... actually there wasn't anything else, that was it.

I'm sure most people who have a kid will say it's great and convince themselves they had a good time. Sadly I missed the denial injections when William was born and am stuck with reality. Which is why I grabbed a couple of mates and headed off out to the pub.

There are some photos of the birthday party if you are interested, but I will say now that they are not the best pictures I've ever taken. There are some better photos of William playing with his toys that I took today. If you're really up for it, however, there are some videos of William at his birthday and opening his presents. I'm quite pleased with the video of the birthday as I think it highlights the screeming and running away, albeit the running away is me to the pub.


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