
Four Rums (and Coke)

(Posted 19:51:28 on 23rd November 2007 by Rag)
This site now has forums! I've created a section for forums. Levels have been created to group the forums and make it easy to find what you're looking for (or at least give you a fighting chance). The logic behind it is simply:

Category -> Sub-Category -> Thread Title -> Thread Details

Each level is a one to many relationship, so, for example, each sub-category can have many thread titles. A simple example would be a category of “Sport” could have a sub-category of “Football” then a thread created on “England need a new Manager” (just to be topical) and then the thread would contain individual thoughts / comments related to that topic.

Full instructions on the use of the forum have been created or you can go directly to the forum home page.


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