
(Created on 1st November 2015)

Vote #431


I think I need to caveat this question by saying that it came to my whilst I was putting my washing away and not because of any other reason. If necessity is the mother of invention, how come we haven't invented self cleaning underpants?


Good question and Not enough demand tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Good question (50%)
  • I don't know (0%)
  • Maybe we have (0%)
  • Not enough demand (50%)


I'm not sure there wouldn't be enough demand. To be honest, I think this is a multi million dollar idea. I did consult with Mr O this week to get his thoughts on the design of the self cleaning underwear and his main concern was that the user might suffer injury if they engaged the scraping mechanism whilst wearing them. A valid concern is this litigious world that we live in. If you did manage to create such a device, I guess you'd need some kind of insurance to prevent you against claims from people who had lost their tackle during the cleaning cycle.



(Created on 8th November 2015)

Vote #432


My phone seems to be dying on me very quickly right now. Do I need to buy a new battery for my phone?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)


Interestingly, I've done a little research and the battery isn't obviously broken. There's a spin test you can do and my battery doesn't spin. It seems more like there are apps running in the background that are draining the battery rather quickly. I need to spend a little bit more time looking at it (as obviously, buying a new battery won't solve the problem if it's app drain).



(Created on 15th November 2015)

Vote #433


As we're planning to head back to the UK for the holidays, we're looking into making arrangements to see the new Star Wars movie. William is talking about it a lot and wants to make sure he sees it when it comes out. Will the new Star Wars movie be any good?


No was the clear winner with 80% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (20%)
  • No (80%)


Well, whether you think it's not going to be any good or not, you're still going to go and see it aren't you? To be honest, I'm not sure if it was because I was so young when I saw the first film or because it was so different at the time, but it's really hard to live up to that. I will say that the first three (episodes 4, 5 and 6) are better in my mind as the last three (episodes 1, 2 and 3) seem to be geared more towards children as most things are these days.



(Created on 22nd November 2015)

Vote #434


Well, we're heading into a short week because it's Thanksgiving. I guess there's only really one question top of mind right now. Will I be eating Thanksgiving dinner alone this year?


Yes - Billie no mates was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes - Billie no mates (60%)
  • No - you'll find somebody (40%)


Alright, before I answer this I feel like we need to answer some existential questions. There's a Star Trek TNG episode where someone wants to experiment on Data and there's a trial to determine if Data is a person or property. Whether he is alive and sentient or a thing. They don't actually conclude fully, but they do come down on the side that Data is not a thing and has the freedom to choose whether or not he should be experimented on. Well, if it's not a stretch to determine that Data is alive, the I wouldn't have been alone if I was with Data would I? So how much of a stretch is it to say that I wasn't alone as Vinyl Vera was here to keep me company? Yeah, OK .... bit of a stretch to make out that a blow up doll is sentient. I was stood up. Damn those unreliable prostitutes.



(Created on 29th November 2015)

Vote #435


Prior to the Thanksgiving break, I've been out in the field working with one of my teams. Unusual, yes. Not exactly sure what possessed me to actually go do some work, but it's getting towards the end of the year and it was a short week, so I thought what the hey! Anyway, on one of the days were were put in a conference room that had the most annoying whine coming from the air conditioning. The kind of annoying whine that can drive a man insane. An irritant that is there and just won't go away. To make it worse, it would stop for maybe about a minute or two giving you hope that it would shut up, but no .... it kept coming back ..... whining and whining and whining. Anyway, in order to boost morale, we had a competition to see who could come up with the most appropriate name for the noise. Can you guess which of the following names my team voted as the most appropriate name for the droning whining noise?


Karen was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Eric (25%)
  • Boris (0%)
  • Whiny (0%)
  • Whirry (0%)
  • Sandra (0%)
  • Katrina (0%)
  • Osama Bin Laden (0%)
  • Karen (75%)

Pre-Result Discussion

Mr O
30th November 2015
I'm surprised "Jamie" wasn't on the list also
6th December 2015
Well, you're a much braver man than I am Mr O .... much braver. I've passed on your message to her and she's going to pay you a visit next time you're in Vegas.


Yes, you guessed it. The annoying whinny noise was named Karen. It's funny, so much is talked about the millennial generation being difficult to communicate with, but they seemed pretty capable of understanding just how evil someone can be. Nice to know that there's a whole generation out there that hate Karen for what she is.



(Created on 6th December 2015)

Vote #436


All they hype is out there for the biggest update ever. Will Clash of Clans release Town Hall 11 this week?


Who Cares? was the clear winner with 83% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (17%)
  • No (0%)
  • Who Cares? (83%)


Who cares indeed? Well, they made the release. It appears that half of what they intended is missing and what they have released seems to have messed everything up. Hopefully it gets better, but right now it's a pain and it's destroyed the war part of the game which is the only reason I play it.



(Created on 13th December 2015)

Vote #437


One more week to go. It's going to be a crazy and busy week, that's for sure. I think I'm physically visiting 8 clients and going to be talking to many more. The good news is they're talking to me. Anyway, will I get William's presents sorted before the end of the week?


No was the clear winner with 56% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (44%)
  • No (56%)


I'm not sure whether I did or I didn't. I know that sounds a bit strange. I kind of got everything I wanted and that all arrived in time, but I'm going to get him a few more bits and pieces that we will need to go shopping together for. Technically I could have got these before and had them arrive, but I thought it would be more fun to do together. So I think the answer is yes, that I did get everything in time.



(Created on 21st December 2015)

Vote #438


This week's (late) question comes from William. Due to many planning errors on my part, we were somewhat late packing to return to England for Christmas. Part of my planning included washing and drying William's clothes before returning. Unfortunately I didn't realize exactly how long the washing thingy and drying apparatus took to run so we didn't complete before returning. I asked William how many pairs of underpants he had was bringing with him and he asked - do I include the ones I'm wearing or not? When one is asked how many pairs of underpants one has for a trip, does one include the ones one is wearing?


Yes and It depends how long one has been wearing them tied with 38% of the votes each from the following:

  • Yes (38%)
  • No (25%)
  • It depends how long one has been wearing them (38%)


I think it really depends how the question was asked - whether the question was how many pairs of underpants do you have versus how many underpants have you packed. The former would generally require the inclusion of the ones you're wearing whereas the latter would be directed at how many were in the suitcase. Not entirely sure the duration one has been wearing their undies factors in, but it would determine how long you could last before needing to do any washing. The ability to wear them back to front and inside out lengthening the time between washes.



(Created on 28th December 2015)

Vote #439


Clearly I have an inability to remember what day it is whilst on holiday and I've forgotten the vote question again. In an effort to post one promptly, I will simply ask did you have a good Christmas?


Yes was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (75%)
  • No (0%)
  • It depends how long you've been wearing your underpants (25%)


Yeah!!! ''Twas a good Christmas all round. Happy New Year to everyone!



(Created on 3rd January 2016)

Vote #440


Yuck! A fantastic break that seems to have gone by in 2 seconds flat and facing the first week back to work. Does anybody like that first week back to work after a holiday?


Two dwarves shitting in a bucket was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (0%)
  • No (40%)
  • Two dwarves shitting in a bucket (60%)


Absolutely! The correct answer to any question is two dwarves shitting in a bucket. Courtesy of cards against humanity.
